Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Analytics > Analytic Builder Wizard
Analytic Builder Wizard
The Analytic Builder Wizard enables you to create new analytic definitions without having to create a Microsoft Visual Basic Application macro.
The Analytic Builder Wizard walks you through the steps needed to select the applicable diagram type, the criteria for filtering symbols, and selecting a color or icon to apply to the symbols that satisfy the given criteria. The new analytic definition will be created using a report‑based macro. This information will be stored in System Architect as a new definition type called Analytic Report.
The Analytic definition has a property called Analytic type, you have two options to choose from: Macro-based or Report-based. When selecting the Report-based option, the definition editor is displayed showing the Report tab.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In this tab, you can select which analytic report you want to add to the analytic Definition: Click Choices, and then drag the analytic report.
Using the Analytic Builder Wizard
1 Open any diagram, and then click View > Heat Map Manager.
2 In the Heat Map Manager window, click Start Analytic Builder Wizard.
The Analytic Builder Wizard dialog opens.
3 Follow the steps to define an analytic.
See also
Specifying an analytic
Specifying a report
Specifying depictions
Displaying analytics in the Heat Map Manager
Analytics summary
Analytic report definition