Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Analytics > Analytic Builder Wizard > Specifying a report
Specifying a report
When creating or editing an Analytic definition you also must associate it with an Analytic Report.
To create a new report
1 Type a name for the Analytic Report definition in the Create a new analytic property.
2 Click Create.
The Specify Reports Criteria dialog opens.
3 You can choose the type of Class as Symbols or Definitions.
4 Click the type of criteria you want to see in the Analytic Report.
5 Click OK and you are brought back to the Analytic Builder Wizard.
6 Click Next.
Selecting an existing analytic report
1 Click Select an existing report.
2 Click the Analytic Report from the list that you want to edit, and then click Edit.
The Specify Reports Criteria dialog opens.
3 Make your changes to the type of criteria you want to see in the Analytic Report.
4 Click OK and you will be brought back to the Analytic Builder Wizard.
5 Click Next.
Multi-level reports and reports which have the first level as "Diagrams" cannot be edited from the Analytic Builder Wizard.
See also
Analytic Builder Wizard