Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Importing and exporting information > XML interface > Exporting XML
Exporting XML
You can export all information from its repository, or encyclopedia, to XML format. What is generated (or imported) is called an XML instance document. The instance document contains the data, or information, you are concerned with; in this case all of the information you and other users have modeled in System Architect.
System Architect generates data from its repository to an XML instance document (file with .xml extension), based on a DTD (Document Type Definition) file, named SAXML.DTD, in the main program directory:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\saxml.dtd
To export a diagram or definition to XML
1 Using the Explorer, select one or more diagrams or definitions (or both).
2 Right-click, and then click Export XML.
The Export XML dialog box opens.
Selected objects only
Generates the objects selected. If you have one or more diagrams selected then only the diagrams will be generated, not their child diagrams. If you have one or more definitions selected then only the definitions selected will be output, not their contained definitions. The same holds true if you have a combination of diagrams and definitions selected.
Diagrams and child diagrams and subordinate definitions
This option is available only if you have selected one or more diagrams in the Explorer. If you have selected only definitions, this option is unavailable.
Definitions and subordinate definitions
This option is available only if you have selected one or more definitions in the Explorer. If you have selected only diagrams, this option is unavailable.
If you have chosen both diagrams and definitions in the Explorer, it is possible to select both the Diagrams and child diagrams... and the Definitions and subordinate definitions choices.
When you toggle on the appropriate selection, the ‘Objects selected for export’ window lists the diagrams and/or definitions that will be output.
When exporting diagrams, System Architect exports only definitions identified by following certain relationships from symbols. This might not include everything that supports it.
Using the Diagrams and subordinate definitions option will export a diagram and definitions located by following outgoing relationships.
Using the Include related items and subordinates option allows location of definitions that refer to the items selected by the other options.
Note XML Export defaults to using Unicode UTF-16. To use ASCII, specify it in the SA2001 section of the .ini file: XML_Encoding=ASCII. This uses ISO-8859-1 encoding for non-Korean versions of System Architect, and EUC-KR encoding for Korean.
3 Select Single File or Multiple Files.
If you select the multiple files option, every diagram or definition that was selected, will be generated to a file of the same object name, followed by a unique ID number, with a naming prefix that you specify (as shown below).
4 Specify an output directory and file name (if you are generating to a single file) or naming prefix (if you are generating to multiple files).
5 Specify whether to include or exclude pictures in the XML file. This choice refers to pictures (for example, .bmp files) that you have pasted as symbols into your diagrams.
6 Click Next, and then click OK.
The XML is generated.
See also
Importing XML
Reindex display mode data
XML interface