Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Importing and exporting information > XML interface > Importing XML
Importing XML
To import an XML file representing a diagram or definition
1 From the Explorer, right‑click the diagram or definition type, and then click Import XML. (An example of diagram type would be UML Use Case, not the specific name of a UML Use Case diagram, such as Make Reservations.)
2 In the Import XML dialog, browse to the directory that contains your XML file. Select the file, and then click Open.
3 Specify collision options, as follows:
If diagrams are identical:
Never replace existing diagram: self explanatory.
Always replace existing diagram: self explanatory.
Note Picture symbols which reference files in the encyclopedia, as opposed to those created using paste/copy/reference, cause those files to be imported.
If definitions are identical:
To understand the definition collision options, remember that the properties of the existing definition can be different than the properties of the definition being imported, even though they are the same definition.
For example, suppose you have extended the properties of a Use Case definition in an existing encyclopedia through USRPROPS.TXT, perhaps adding a property that is a list of requirements and another that is a list of referenced documents. The Use Case definition had 10 properties say, and now it has 12. The Use Case definition being imported can not have these properties. In addition, the Use Case definitions being imported can not have values, or data, for all 10 of the properties they do have.
Never replace existing definition: Self explanatory.
Delete all fields then add new data: All properties of the existing definition are cleared, and the new definition is added. In the example above, all existing Use Case definitions for which there was a collision, would have any values in the list of requirements and list of referenced documents deleted.
Update single fields when data supplied: Essentially performs a merge of a definition. If the Use Case definition being imported is missing data in a property, then the existing data is of that property in the existing Use Case definition is maintained. In the example above, if a colliding Use Case definition being imported has data for only 7 of the 10 common properties, then those values are imported. The data of the existing Use Case definition for the other 3 properties are maintained.
Update single fields - clear field if no data supplied: Performs a merge, but clears the fields of the existing definition if no data is supplied in the XML being imported. In the example above, if a colliding Use Case definition being imported has data for only 7 of the 10 common properties, then those values are imported. The data of the existing Use Case definition for the other 3 properties are deleted.
4 The diagram and or definition information in the selected XML file are imported to the System Architect encyclopedia.
1 System Architect generates data from its repository to an XML format, based on a DTD file, named SAXML.DTD. This file is in the main System Architect program directory.
2 XML Importing defaults to using Unicode UTF-16. To use ASCII, specify in the SA2001 section of the .ini file: XML_Encoding=ASCII. This uses ISO-8859-1 encoding for non-Korean versions of System Architect, and EUC-KR encoding for Korean.
3 Pictures that reference a diagram in the encyclopedia store the Name and type number so will show the first diagram is found by that search.
See also
Exporting XML
Reindex display mode data
XML interface