In this lesson, you decide what information to include in your website. You understand the overall navigation of the information that you want to present, from top level down, and the specific type of information that you need to provide to your readers
To design the overall website hierarchy, you can develop the following items:
1 A list of who the readers of the information will be, and what type of information each will be interested in. During this step, you ascertain what kind of information you want to present for the different types of viewers that you have. For example, you can include the following items in the list:
•CEO and corporate management: High-level business concept diagrams, business process diagrams, functional diagrams, and Use Case diagrams of the overall systems, network diagrams of the organizations servers and locations but in a simple, high-level pictorial view.
•General readership: People in the organization that will be viewing process flow diagrams and organizational charts. From the process flow diagrams, they might want to find out information on types of data collected - such information on data will generally include types of tables and their column names, but not include design-level details.
•Partners: Business process flow diagrams, especially on workflow that concerns inter-company communications, and diagrams detailing interface to the
•DBAs: Design-level details of data models
•Programmers: Design-level detail of application architecture, database models, and component diagrams.
2 A sketch or block diagram of the hierarchy of information that you want to provide. This sketch becomes very useful in determining the reports that you need to write to present information to your particular viewers. The top of the hierarchy determines what starting reports that you will need.
3 An outline of what the home page will present to your general readership.
You designed the overall website hierarchy and now you are ready to start the SA Publisher.