Tutorials > Publish information as HTML with System Architect Publisher > Lesson 2: Start the System Architect Publisher
Lesson 2: Start the System Architect Publisher
Before you can publish information in the encyclopedia as a website, you must start the System Architect Publisher and open the encyclopedia that you want to publish as HTML.
To start the System Architect Publisher
1 In the Windows Start menu click Start > All Programs > UNICOM Systems > System Architect > SA Publisher.
Note If System Architect is not running, starting System Architect Publisher will automatically start System Architect. When System Architect Publisher runs, System Architect is minimized and temporarily disabled. You cannot use System Architect while System Architect Publisher is running.
Now that SA Publisher is active you can either select an existing XML template from the Recent tab, select an existing XML template from the Existing tab, or create a new XML template by selecting the New tab.
Lesson 3: Create a new template
See also
Publish information as HTML with System Architect Publisher