Tutorials > Report generation and publishing > Module 2: Create a report > Lesson 2.2: Select the diagram type
Lesson 2.2: Select the diagram type
Specify that the report you want to run starts reporting at the diagram level.
To select the diagram type
1 In the Report Name property field, type Entity Relation Diagram Report.
Note Directly below the Style Sheet field is the Current Diagram checkbox. This property box, if clicked on, will only query the currently open diagram. For this lesson, query the entire Samples encyclopedia, so you leave the Current Diagram cleared.
2 Specify that the Report Starts at the Diagram Level. By default Diagrams is already selected in the first drop-down list box. You are in the metamodel diagram (below) and you have just made this report begin its query at the diagram level of the encyclopedia metamodel.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Click Where to open the Select Diagram Where dialog. Clear All Types, and select Entity Relation. Click OK.
Lesson 2.3: Select which diagram properties to print
See also
Module 2: Create a report