Architecting and designing : TOGAF : Building deliverables for the TOGAF Architecture Development Method : TOGAF Architecture Development Method deliverables
TOGAF Architecture Development Method deliverables
The Architecture Development Method (ADM) specifies that you create certain deliverables. You can review the TOGAF feature support for these deliverables in the following information.
Architecture principles
The TOGAF modeling feature provides a principle definition type (see Principle).
Request for architecture work
The TOGAF modeling feature provides the Request for Architecture Work definition type, which contains these properties:
Organization sponsors
Organization's mission statement
Business goals (and changes)
Strategic plans of the business
Time limits
Changes in the business environment
Organizational constraints
Budget information, financial constraints
External constraints, business constraints
Current business system description
Current architecture/IT system description
Description of developing organization
Description of resources developing organization has available
Statement of architecture work
The TOGAF modeling feature provides the Statement of Architecture Work definition, which contains these properties:
Statement of work title
Project request and background
Project description and scope
Architecture vision
Change of scope procedures
Responsibilities and deliverables
Acceptance criteria and procedures
Project plan and schedule
Support of the enterprise continuum
Product information
The TOGAF modeling feature provides the Product Information definition type, which contains these properties:
Functional descriptions of products that are candidates for the implementation.
Architectural descriptions of elements that are candidates for the implementation.
New technology reports
The TOGAF modeling feature provides the New technology report definition type. This contains a brief description and a property that enables a hyperlink to a more comprehensive description of the technology.
Impact analysis
The TOGAF modeling feature provides the Impact Analysis definition type, which contains the following properties:
project list, which is a list of instances of the Project definition type
time oriented migration plan, which is a textual property
implementation recommendations: a list of performance measures, Risk, Issue, and SBB definition types).
The architecture contract
You can create an Architecture contract definition type, which contains these properties:
The nature of the agreement
Strategic requirements
Conformance requirements
Architecture adopters
Time window
ADM deliverables: System Architect diagrams
The TOGAF modeling feature provides these diagrams to satisfy ADM deliverables:
Business architecture diagram
Technical architecture diagram