Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational Publishing Engine : Working with System Architect : Obtaining the encyclopedia workspace ID
Obtaining the encyclopedia workspace ID
To set up an encyclopedia as a data source, you need to obtain its workspace ID. You do this by using REST URI in any browser, which has the following format:
The URI parts above are described as follows:
http or https
Local or remote server where the System Architect REST Service runs.
Database instance name. By default, it is assumed that the database instance is on the same computer where the System Architect REST Service is running. If the database instance is on a different computer, then the database instance value should be <computer name> + <database instance name>.
Encyclopedia name.
To obtain the encyclopedia Workspace ID
1 Start your Internet browser.
2 In the Address field, enter your data. For example, for the Samples encyclopedia:
The above URI returns the information you will need for the report template. As show below, the Samples encyclopedia contains three Workspaces, named 'Root', 'WS_1', and 'WS_2.' Each Workspace also has an ID of '1', '2', and '3', respectively. The ID number for encyclopedias without Workspaces is '1' which is always the ID of the 'Root' Workspace.
3 Make note of the Workspace ID for your encyclopedia. In your report templates, you can use more than one Workspace as a data source, which enables you to create reports assembled with data from different encyclopedias.