Allow execution of macro from commandline to allow macro execution to be scheduled through Windows Task Scheduler.
▪ArchiMate Supporting ArchiMate 3.1.
▪DoDAF2 Add the Data Object and behavior to support associating it with other symbols to the DoDAF2 OV-05b BPMN diagram.
▪General Representational Consistency Support for explicit relationship lines based on listof-type references.
▪UAF UAF now available with DoDAF2 prefixes.
▪UML 2.5 and SysML 1.6 SA and SAXT Diagramming: Users can now draw lines represented by multiple definitions in one action.
Users can report on associations between Data Objects and node-type symbols like Events in Business Process diagrams.
Roadmap diagrams
Offsets for milestone names will be retained on changing project position or timeline size.
▪Pagination of filter queries on individual diagram/definition types.
▪Paging support without requiring records to be ordered by identity.
SAXT Definition editor
▪Choices box and list boxes are now larger. The Choices box contents are sorted.
▪Added name filter to Choices box.
▪Added type filter for Choices box.
▪Added view button to listof, oneof controls.
▪Added view button for Choices list entry for listof, oneof controls.
SAXT Diagram editor
There is now support for routing and straightening of lines.
SAXT Query Builder: Load queries
Using the Query Builder feature in SAXT, there is now an option to Load previously saved Shared or Private queries into the Query Selection interface for editing.
SA Explorer context menu
▪Ability to run Dictionary Update from the contextual menu of a definition explorer pane.
The SA Explorer pane context menu has a new menu item, Assert Relationships, which when invoked, will run Dictionary Update for only the selected Explorer objects.
▪Ability to launch macros from the contextual menu of a definition explorer pane or a symbol on a diagram.
The SA Explorer pane context menu has a new menu item, Run Macro, which when invoked, will present the user with a list of the available Explorer macros. Clicking OK after macro selection will execute the macro for each Explorer object that was selected. For more information on this functionality, see Explorer context menu.
SA Dictionary menu
A new Dictionary menu item has been implemented, Create Unrelated Definitions List. This item will produce a local report, listing all definitions without relationships.
The report will show definition type name, definition name, date of creation, and audit of creator and last modified date and audit of modifier.
SA-OSLC: Initial support for Global Configurations
Initial support for OSLC Global Configurations has been added with the following capabilities in this release:
▪Global configuration integration can be enabled on workspace-based encyclopedias from the Manage Workspaces tool in SAEM.
▪Global configuration integration cannot be disabled once enabled.
▪Only one workspace from an encyclopedia can be contributed to the same global configuration.
▪More than one workspace can be contributed to a global configuration if the workspaces are from different encyclopedias.
▪A workspace can be contributed to more than one global configuration.
GC -> SA
▪A System Architect workspace can be contributed to a global configuration.
▪Rich hover of System Architect workspace contributions in the Global Configuration Management UI.
▪Link creation from SA to DNG in the context of a selected global configuration.
▪Rich hover of links from SA to DNG in the context of the selected global configuration
▪Navigation to the linked DNG resource in the context of the selected global configuration.
▪Incoming SA links are visible from the DNG UI in the context of the selected global configuration.
▪Rich hover of incoming SA-linked resources from the DNG UI in the context of the selected global configuration.
For detailed configuration and usage instructions, please contact your local support representative.
New format for SA online help
Prior to this release, the SA online help was provided in WebHelp format, which is considered a legacy format that has effectively reached the end of its useful life.
For this release, the online help has been produced in an up-to-date format called Reverb, which is a responsive format so it renders well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. Reverb has other advantages over WebHelp, such as:
▪High-performance load times.
▪Optimized context-sensitive help usage.
▪Superior search facilities.
▪Much better compliance with web accessibility standards.
▪If the online help is hosted on a web server, the ability to invoke the Google Translate facility to display the page being viewed in another language.