The Reporting System tutorial takes you step-by-step through the Report Editor to create a new report.
Note In the ‘Tutorials’ part of the online help, Report generation and publishing covers running a prewritten report, creating your own report using the GUI Report Editor, and publishing a report in HTML.
To add a new report
In general, to add a new report complete the following steps.
1 Pull down the File menu and select the Save Report File command. The new report specification is added to the current .RPT file.
2 Examine the report specification that has been added to the .RPT file:
a Select the report from the list.
b Pull down the Report menu and select the Text Edit Report command. The Edit <report name> – Text Mode dialog will open, showing the text added to the .RPT file:
REPORT "Tutorial Report" DESCRIPT "ER Diagrams, Entities, Data, and Domains" ID 38439 { FONT "LabelFont" { NAME "Arial" HEIGHT 10 BOLD } SETTING { LEGENDFONT "LabelFont" } SETTING { LEFTMARGIN 0.25 } SETTING { RIGHTMARGIN 0.25 } SETTING { HEADER 1 "Tutorial Report" } SETTING { HEADER 2 "This report lists the entities on an ERD, data and data domains" } SETTING { TRAILER 1 "date", "time", "#pg#" }
TABULAR 1 { SELECT "Name" LEGEND "Diagram Name" LABEL LEFT WHERE Class = Diagram WHERE Type = "Entity Relation" JOIN WHERE RELATION = "contains" JOIN SELECT "Name" LEGEND "Entity Name" WHERE Class = Symbol WHERE Type = "Entity" JOIN WHERE RELATION = "defined by" JOIN WHERE Class = Definition JOIN WHERE RELATION = "uses" JOIN SELECT "Name" LEGEND "Data Name", "Type" LEGEND "Type of Data" WHERE Class = Definition WHERE Type = "Data Element", "Data Structure" JOIN WHERE RELATION = "is a" JOIN SELECT "Name" LEGEND "Data Domain" WHERE Class = Definition WHERE Type = "Data Domain" } }