SA Publisher for web generation : System Architect Publisher : Generating a website : Styling the website
Styling the website
By default, the site uses several common files found in the directory SA Publisher\Common directory. Editing files in this location will apply to all future SA Publisher outputs.
Some common files that can be customized are:
A stylesheet that defines common display elements that would apply to all output regardless of color or font customizations.
An html file that contains the left panel tree code. This file could be edited to add company logos or links if desired.
Styling defined in Template
When using SA Publisher to edit a Template, under the Setup tab there is an entry under Site Options labeled Input folder for website. Here you can choose a folder that contains additional style options that will be applied to your output, for instance additional images and a more specific stylesheet named Panel.css. The file Panel.css should contain your customized color and font options to match your desired output. Many predefined folders are found in directory SA Publisher\CSS.
See also
Generating a website