System Architect Publisher Add-on is a report-based website generation tool. You can this tool to generate websites for the information in the encyclopedias.
To specify the folder that contains the reports
1 Start the System Architect Publisher, and then click the Specify Report tab.
2 In the Specify System Architect Reports Folder property, use the browse button to specify the folder that contains the reports for System Architect Publisher. The default is:
The reports in this folder are reports that have been made special for use with System Architect Publisher. They are reports that may originally have been created with the reporting system’s graphical user interface, but then also have been modified with special commands in the reporting system’s text editor.
3 The Available Reports list in the Specify Reports tab displays all the report files (.rpt files) that are the folder specified by Specify System Architect Reports Folder.
Click + next to a report file to display the list of reports that are in it.
4 To inspect the code of the report file, and edit it in Text mode, right-click the report file name (or any report in the report file), and then click Edit.
To select the starting report
In the Available Reports list, drag the report you want to be the starting report (see Starting reports) to the Start the website With These Reports list box, under the Starting Pages choice.
You may specify more than one starting report (by dragging more than one report so that it is under the Starting Pages choice.
To set report start criteria
Right-click a starting report, and then click Report Start Criteria. The Report Start Criteria dialog opens. If the choice Include all items of class and type is toggled on, all such items in the encyclopedia will be generated to the resulting website report. To specify particular items to be included in the output, for example, To specify a particular diagram, definition, or symbol type, toggle off Include All Items of Class and Type and click on the Show items button. All items in the encyclopedia of the type selected will appear in the list below the Show items button.
The report that you select as a “starting report” has to have been modified for use with System Architect Publisher to include the code WHERE "Identity" = "SWGDDID" for you to be able to publish it for a particular definition. If the code is not in the report, then the Show items choice and all related selections will be greyed out. You will not be able to specify a particular item. Select the Include choice for the specific items that you want.
To specify an item to be the home page of the output
You may optionally specify one of the items to be the output home page. To do so toggle on the choice in the Home column. You can only pick one instance of one start report to be a home page.
The starting reports are invisible to the eventual viewer of the website published with this template. Starting reports are used to kick off the report hierarchy. However, the home page is visible to the eventual viewer of the website.
Once you select a home page, a *Home* indicator is added to the respective report in the Start the website with These Reports list box.
To remove a report from the Start the website With These Reports
Drag the report into empty space of the Available Reports list, or right-click it, and then click Remove.
To assign a StyleSheet to the starting report
Right‑click a of the reports in the Start the website with These Reports list, and then click Stylesheet. You may select one of the stylesheets provided by System Architect Publisher in its Stylesheets subdirectory or create your own.
To select the default report for classes
On the Class Defaults tab, drag the report you want to be the default report to the System Architect Classes list, under Definitions, Diagrams, or Symbols.
You can run a trial of the report to see what it will look like by right-clicking with a mouse on the report you have specified as a default report, and selecting Trial Report.
To select the default report for types
On the Type Defaults tab, drag a report to the System Architect Types list, under the particular diagram, symbol, or definition type.
2 Drag the report that will kick off the exception from the Reports side to the Reports Which Have Alternates list box, placing it under the Alternates choice.
3 Select the type that, if encountered during the running of the 'exception' report, will be reported on using a different report than its default report. From the Available System Architect Types list box in the lower left-hand corner of the Alternate Defaults tab, select the type, and, holding your left mouse button down, drag it to the Alternates list box, placing it under the 'exception' report specified in step 2 above. (Alternatively, you can right-mouse click on a type in the Available System Architect Types list box, and select Copy, then paste it under the 'exception' report in the Alternates list box.