Overview : Getting started : Workflow: User types and tasks
Workflow: User types and tasks
The diagram in this topic shows the fundamental tasks that you can do with Focal Point®, depending on your user type and member access permissions. Although the diagram implies that each task is completed sequentially, you can do many of the tasks at the same time.
Focal Point® is flexible; you can customize your workspaces to meet your requirements. This workflow is a high-level view of setting up and using the product.
Workflow of the basic tasks and roles in Focal Point®
Install Focal Point®.
(Task for: IT Administrators)
Add users.
(Task for: Global administrators, or any user with permission to administer workspace and access to add views on the users module)
Create a workspace using a pre‑configured workspace template or a default template.
(Task for: Global administrators, or any user with permission to administer workspace and access to add views on the users module)
Add data to the workspace:
(Task for: Global administrators, regular users, or team users who have “Workspace administrator” member access)
Add members: Adding members
Set up modules: Setting up modules
Configure attributes: Configuring attributes
Add elements: Adding elements
Define views: Adding a view
Add criteria: Criteria
Associate criteria with the Prioritize and Visualize view: Creating a criteria view
Determine business priorities:
(Task for: Global administrators, regular users, or stakeholder users, who have member access of “workspace administrator”, “regular member”, or “read‑only member”)
Prioritize elements based on criteria: Prioritizing elements and criteria
Visualize the results: Charts and display preferences
See also
Access rights for user-member combinations
Getting started