Reference : Attribute types : List
A list is a collection of either text or link attributes.
Text list attributes
Text list attributes can be added, edited, or removed. If the text list is set to “Conversation” style, regular members can edit only the text items that they have added. The text list attribute can be configured to display truncated text, instead of displaying the entire text. The text can be set to be truncated after 50, 100, 200, or 500 characters.
To make changes to a text list attribute, click the Edit link.
To add a value to the list, add the text in the text area, and click OK.
To edit a value in the list, click the Edit link for that value, make the change, and click OK.
To delete a value from the list, click the Delete icon for that value.
Link list attributes
Link list attributes can be added, edited, or removed.
Click the Edit link to make changes to a link list attribute. In the edit mode, the attribute displays the links and icons that can be used to make the required changes.
To add a link, click the Add link hyperlink.
To delete a link, click the Delete icon corresponding to the link. On deleting a link, the link name is displayed as struck-through with a yellow indicator bar, and a Rollback icon.
Before you click the Save link to save the changes, you can rollback the changes that you made by clicking the Rollback icon, corresponding to the link that you deleted.
List settings
Link list settings
Export and import rules for link and link list attributes
See also
Attribute types