Reference : Attribute types : List : Link list settings
Link list settings
A link list attribute is a collection of link attributes.
Name and description
You can configure the following settings:
Type: A list of the type Text results in an attribute with a list of text fields. A list of the type Link results in an attribute with a list of links.
Allow Links to All Other Workspaces: If this check box is cleared, you must manually specify the modules in other workspaces that users can link to. If the check box is selected, users can link to all modules in all workspaces.
Allowed Target Modules: To select the workspace and modules that the users can link to, click the Click to edit link. Select the modules in the workspace to use as target modules.
Sort Links In Tree Order: If this check box is selected, the links in the list are sorted in this order:
Workspace (alphabetic order)
Module (Module list order)
Element (Tree order)
If you sort elements according to an attribute on the module level, that order is used for the elements instead of the tree order. If this check box is cleared, the links are displayed in the order that the elements were added.
Add New Links: Specify whether new link items must be added at the top or at the bottom of the list.
You can configure the following settings:
Editor Type: Select the type of editor to use when editing a link list attribute:
Dialog Window (default): Uses a modal dialog window to edit the link list attribute.
Checkbox/Radio button groups: Uses groups of checkboxes or radio buttons to display the link targets in columns. The number of columns can be specified.
Note If the number of targets exceeds the limit or the link list attribute targets more than one module or view, then the default editor is used.
Inline search editor: Uses an inline search editor to display the link targets.
Enable View Display of Link Targets: Enable this setting so that users can display the link targets in a view display. The same view that is used for displaying the view targets is used for this display.
Link Color: Select the color of the links that connect the elements in the Gantt chart and the Relational Graph. This setting does not affect the color of other links.
List Display: Select from the list of available display formats for the links:
Default: Displays all the links.
Loaded on click: Displays Show All Links. Click on Show All Links to view the entire list. A Hide All Links link is displayed with the list of links. Click on Hide All Links to hide the links.
Paginated: Displays a limited number of links along with pagination controls to browse through all of the links. You can specify the number of links to be displayed on a page by using the text box that is displayed on selecting this display format.
Note Loaded in background display format is available only in releases that are earlier than Focal Point® 6.6.1. If you had selected Loaded in background as a display format in a previous version of Focal Point®, it is changed automatically to the Default display format when you upgrade to Focal Point® 6.6.1, and later.
You can configure the following settings:
Mandatory: To make sure that users enter a value for this attribute, select this check box. Mandatory attributes are displayed with an asterisk.
Note Mandatory settings do not apply when you add folders.
Feedback Text: The text to display when users do not specify a value for the mandatory attribute. If a list link attribute is mandatory, the element cannot be saved unless a value for this attribute is set. You cannot remove all the links from a mandatory list; the list must contain at least one link.
Change Log
You can configure the following setting:
Log Changes: If this check box is selected, history logs are created for each change of the attribute value.
Integration Settings
You can configure the following settings:
Property URI: Provide a unique URI according to the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) standard for the attribute.
Alias: Alias to use when you integrate with other tools. The default alias is an auto-generated random Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). You can change the alias, but it must be unique.
See also
List settings
Export and import rules for link and link list attributes