Reference : Attribute types : List : Export and import rules for link and link list attributes
Export and import rules for link and link list attributes
In a workspace, you can export and import link and link list attributes between modules. You cannot import links to other workspaces.
Searches for elements
When you export to or import from a Microsoft Excel file, these rules apply:
An element is specified as follows: module name!prefix:element title. Everything before the exclamation point (!) is regarded as the module name, everything between the exclamation point (!) and the colon (:) is regarded as a prefix, and everything after the colon (:) is regarded as the element title.
Only the element title is mandatory.
If you specify the module name, the search is completed in that module only. If the link or list attribute cannot link to the module, no link is created.
If you do not specify the module name, the search is completed in all the modules that the link or list attribute can link to.
If you specify a prefix, a search is completed for a direct hit. A direct hit is a result that has the same prefix and title as an element. If a direct hit is found, the link is set.
If a prefix is not specified or no direct hit is found, the search is completed for a semi hit. A semi hit is a result that has the same title as an existing element. If a semi hit is found, the link is set.
If no direct or semi hits are found, no link is created.
If the module name, prefix, or element title contains an exclamation point (!) or a colon (:), you can split the text into module name, prefix, and element title in many ways. All the combinations are searched for to find a direct or semi hit.
If direct hits can be created in several ways, a direct hit is selected at random. For example, many direct hits can be created if, for several elements, the prefix and title are the same and those values match the values in the Excel file. If no direct hits exist, this rule also applies to semi hits.
If a module is specified (moduleName![prefix:]elementName), only that module is searched. Otherwise, all the modules that the attribute can link to are searched.
If a prefix is specified ([moduleName!]prefix:elementName), a match for the prefix and title is searched for.
If a prefix is not specified ([moduleName!]elementName) or if a match is not found for the prefix and title, a search is completed for the title only.
If a match is not found for either the prefix and title match or for the title, a null search result is returned.
In all cases where moduleName, prefix, or elementName contain an exclamation point (!) or colon (:), a search is completed for all possible permutations. The permutations are not sorted in any specified order.
Note The link search is forward in the Excel file. The link is set if an element on row 7 links to an element on row 18 in the Excel file. This rule does not apply for releases earlier than version 5.0.
See also
List settings
Link list settings