Reference : Attribute types : List : List settings
List settings
A list attribute is a collection of either text or link attributes.
You can configure the following settings:
Type: You can select either Text or Link. A list of the type Text results in an attribute with a list of text fields. A list of the type Link results in an attribute with a list of links.
Default Value: The value of the text list attribute for a new element. You can edit this value before the element is saved.
Add New Text Items: Select whether new Text items are to be added at the top or at the bottom of the list.
Text Tag: The text tag specifies the value that you can insert in the Text attribute by clicking the Text attribute icon icon next to the text field. This icon is displayed wherever the attribute can be edited. If a text tag value is not specified or is invalid, the icon is hidden. To preview your text tag, click the Preview text icon icon next to the text field. You can also use text tags as the default value. If a text tag is the default value when the text attribute is empty to avoid unnecessary logs in the attribute, the tag is not added for new elements.
The date and number format settings for the user affect how the E and M tags are displayed.
You can configure the following settings:
Mandatory: Makes sure that users enter a value for this attribute. Mandatory attributes are displayed with an asterisk.
Note The Mandatory setting does not apply when you add folders.
Feedback Text: The text to display when the user does not specify a value for the mandatory attribute.
You can configure the following settings:
Style: Both of the style settings display the text in a list.
Classic (the default): A text list attribute in this style can be used in combination with text tags.
Conversation: The name of the user who added the text, date, and time is visible before the text for each item. The default format is First Name, Last Name, Date, and Time.
Note For conversation-style text list attributes, text tags are not available, but can only be used to change the format for user, date, and time. In a classic-style list, regular members can edit and delete entries. In a conversational-style list, regular members can edit the text items but cannot delete text items.
Formatting: If this check box is selected, a formatting panel for rich text editing is displayed above the text field. The formatting panel is available only when there are two or more rows. For more information, see Formatting editor. If this check box is cleared, formatting is available by using tags only. For example, to make the text bold, use <[B]bold[/B]>.
The following tags are available: [B] for bold, [I] for italics, [U] for underlined, [S] for strike-through, [OL] for numbered list, [UL] for bullet list, [URL] for links.
The tags must be in uppercase.
Formatting with rich text is supported for the Internet Explorer browser only. In all other browsers, use tags to format the text.
You can format many attributes in a module, but can display a maximum of 30 simultaneously. Do not use more than 30 rich text attributes in each module.
Number of Rows: The number of rows to display when editing the link attribute. For a small text field, use 5 rows; for a normal text field, use 10-15 rows; for a large text field, use 15 or more rows.
Number of Columns: The width of the text field to display when editing the link attribute.
Truncate Text: Set this option to truncate the text in the text field after a specified number of characters. When the text is truncated, you can display the entire text by clicking the ‘+’ icon next to the attribute.
See also
Formatting editor
Link list settings
Export and import rules for link and link list attributes