Integrating : Focal Point and the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management : Business case scenarios : Elaborating requirements and tracking the status : Publish business needs as requirements into Rational Requirements Composer
Publish business needs as requirements into Rational Requirements Composer
The business needs in Focal Point can be published as requirements into Rational Requirements Composer. You can either publish business needs one-by-one or publish them in bulk into Rational Requirements Composer.
1 To link Focal Point business needs with artifacts in Rational Requirements Composer, create an Integration link attribute and configure it with allowed service providers and project areas to create links to.
See Adding and configuring attributes for storing links to artifacts in the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications.
2 To publish business needs as requirements into Rational Requirements Composer, you can either link to an existing requirement or create a new one. You can either publish the business need one by one or publish them in bulk.
Publish business needs one-by one: Link the business need of Focal Point with the existing requirements in Rational Requirements Composer or create new requirements in Rational Requirements Composer one-by-one: see Linking, creating, and viewing requirements.
Publish business needs in bulk: To create or update many artifacts with a single click instead of repeating the same operation for every element, you can add a view command. A workspace administrator can set up view commands to handle bulk operations for artifacts linked from Focal Point.
Set up OSLC View Commands in a view that contains linked elements, for example a project view or release view: see Adding view commands for bulk operations on artifacts in Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications.
Ensure that you add the views for the commands Create artifacts and associate the links to the CLM server.
Publish business needs as requirements into the Rational Requirements Composer project area in bulk: see Bulk linking and creating requirements for linked elements by publishing data in a CLM application.
Note that only the Title and Description (Optional) fields of business needs are created in the requirement artifacts in Rational Requirements Composer.
Elaborate requirements and preview linked Focal Point business needs
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Elaborating requirements and tracking the status