Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : Filtering views : Creating filters
Creating filters
By creating a set of filter rules, you can limit the information that is displayed in the Display, Review, Prioritize, Visualize Results, and Plan views. In advanced mode, you can have multiple rules on the same attribute, and use the AND and OR Boolean operators to filter rules.
1 In the navigation panel, find the view for which to create a filter. Click the view name to open the view.
2 In the view toolbar, click Filter Filter icon to open the Filter setup window.
3 Click New Filter. The window to define the filter is displayed.
4 Click the Filter Information tab, and provide a name and description for the new filter.
5 Optional: To make the new filter available to the members who have access to the parent view, select Global.
Filters are private by default. To create global filters, you must either be a workspace administrator or have the workspace permissions for global filters. You can use the project setting to enable or disable the export of global filters when a workspace is exported. Private filters are not exported.
6 Click the Filter Rules tab. Click Add Rule to specify the filter options. Select attributes, conditions, and values for the rule, and then click OK. You can specify more than one view rule on each of the attribute listed.
7 Click Attribute Properties tab to specify the attribute visibility. In the Visible column, select the attributes to be displayed in the filtered view by selecting the corresponding check boxes. To select or clear all attributes, select or clear Visible in the column heading.
8 In the Dynamic column, select the dynamic attributes.
The dynamic prompts can be specified for Integer, Float, Checkbox, Version, Choice, Date, Parent Folder, Link attributes, LinkList, and Incoming Link attributes. Dynamic attributes are available for selection only if the filter is in the Simple Mode. Click Simple Mode to switch to the simple filter mode.
9 To save and activate the filter, click Save, and then click Close. The filter button turns green to indicate that the filter is activated.
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Filtering views