Managing products and portfolios : Financial planning using time grid attribute : Configuring time grid attribute
Configuring time grid attribute
You can add or edit time grid attributes. This time grid attribute is used for calculations that are based on a time line.
About this task
Time grid attribute reference: The time grid attribute is used for calculations that are based on a time line. You can plan the financials of your product or products using the time grid attribute. For more information, see Time grid.
To configure a time attribute:
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes.
2 Select the module in which to add or locate the attribute.
3 To add an attribute, click Add attribute.
4 Select Time Grid from the list of attributes.
5 Configure the time grid attribute:
In the Name field, enter a name for the attribute
In the Description field, describe the attribute. The text that you type in the Description field will be visible when you move the cursor over the attribute title. The text is also visible when you edit the attribute.
Optional: In the Administrator Notes field, type the administrator notes for the attribute. Use the Administrator notes to convey tips to other administrators. For example, This attribute should not be editable in any view. The Administrator notes are displayed in the attribute setup, when you configure attribute access levels for views and when you add global attributes to workspace modules.
To enable the option to analyze investment and financials, select Allow Investment Analysis.
If Allow Investment Analysis option is selected, a user with read-only access cannot open the time grid regardless of the display type.
6 In the Link aggregation field, specify the link settings:
Select Use as link aggregation Time Grid. When you select this option, the General Time Grid settings option is disabled.
In Incoming Link Attribute field, select the incoming link. All time grid attributes in that module are listed.
From Time Grid Attribute field, select a time grid, and then click OK.
Link the elements in the module A to the elements in module B.
Select an element in the module B. The incoming link attribute displays the elements from module A.
Verify the values in rows in different sheets of time grid. The aggregated value of time grid of linked elements is displayed.
The change made to the source time grid attribute is not logged in the history of the link aggregated time grid.
SumTimeGridRow, TimeGridNPV and TimeGridIRR business rules does not support link aggregated time grid.
7 To prevent non-admin users from editing the time grid attribute display settings from the element, select the Do not allow settings changes for non admin users option. The settings icon settings icon for time grid attribute will not be displayed in the element for non-admin users.
8 In the Sheets field, add the time grid sheets. For each sheet, specify the name, time interval, start date, end date, and scenario type.
9 In the Rows field, add the rows and type a descriptive name for each row. Configure each row:
Summary Row
Select to make the row a heading and display the sum of the values in the group of cells that belong to the heading. Summary rows are locked for editing.
Select to create a group of the cells under the heading.
Select to lock the row for editing.
Select to indicate that the row is a benefit parameter.
Select to indicate that the row is a cost parameter.
Default Row Value
Type a default value for the rows in a time grid attribute. The default values are numeric, and can be entered as expressions that are composed of numbers or references to other cells, rows or attributes, combined with the supported operators. For more information, see Specifying default rows in time grid attributes.
10 In the Display type field, select the type of display: Chart or Table.
A user with read-only access cannot open the time grid. A user with edit access must define what a user with read-only access can view.
11 In the Time Interval field, select the time interval: Default, Month, Quarter, or Year.
12 In the Change Log Settings field, select Log Changes to log changes to the attribute.
13 In the Property URI field, provide a unique URI according to the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) standard for the attribute.
14 In the Alias field, specify the alias when you integrate with other tools. This alias is also used in financial metrics in Investment analysis.
15 Click OK to save the configuration.
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Financial planning using time grid attribute