Managing products and portfolios : Prioritizing elements and criteria : Prioritize frame
Prioritize frame
You can use the Prioritize menu to compare elements in pairs according to a criterion, to identify and resolve inconsistencies.
The menu options are based on the current configuration, and your level of access. The example in this topic is based on the Product Management workspace template.
On the navigation bar, click Prioritize, and click the view that contains the elements to prioritize. The Pairwise Comparisons frame is displayed.
Prioritize menu GUI options
Menu options
Pairwise compare icon
Pairwise Compare
You can do a pair wise comparison on the elements based on a criterion that can be selected from the list.
You can specify the axis settings while comparing the matrix attributes in a chart.
Click the Setting icon to specify the Minimum, Maximum, and Major Unit values for a better visual interpretation of the attributes that are compared.
Use the Apply for all Matrix Attributes check box to apply the axis settings to all of the matrix attributes, or use the Matrix Attribute list to select an attribute and apply the setting only to the selected matrix attribute. You can specify one of the following options for the Minimum, Maximum, and Major Unit:
Default: This is the default option where the Minimum, Maximum, and Major Units are based on the matrix attribute data of the element.
Auto: Select this option to automatically calculate the axis values based on the attributes compared, and apply the same values to both the matrix attributes that are compared.
Fixed: Select this option and specify a value, that is used in the comparison charts.
Check consistency icon
Check Consistency
Use this option to analyze the consistency of elements. The Check Consistency frame displays the triple that contains the lowest consistency.
Priority overview icon
Priority Overview
The priority overview shows all of the criteria that are used for a view.
Pairwise comparison lists
Pairwise comparison list
You can view the list of comparisons that you performed in this frame.
Related topics
Priority overview
Analyzing element consistency
Comparing elements in a view
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Prioritizing elements and criteria