Interviewer - Server > Administration and maintenance > Log files > Log file format
Log file format
All log files have the same basic format. Each message forms a separate line in the file, and each line contains a list of comma-separated values, as follows:
record length in characters
date and time at which the record was written
ID of the component that generated the message. See Component IDs
log level: see Logging levels
3-character code of the application or application group that generated the message
log scope: see Log variables
message text: In some files, messages start with the project name (–P name), respondent ID (–R ID) and interview ID (–I type). The interview ID is the session token for the interview.
The most useful fields are the date and time, the log level, and the message text.
The easiest way to read log files is using Log DSC and DM Query. This creates columns for the project, respondent, and interview IDs which you can then sort and search using SQL queries.
See also
Log files