Data Model > UNICOM Intelligence Data Model accessories > Metadata Model to Quantum > Getting started > Opening a Questionnaire Definition File in Metadata Model to Quantum
Opening a Questionnaire Definition File in Metadata Model to Quantum
1 From the Metadata Model to Quantum menus, choose File > Open.
2 In the Open dialog box, select the file that you want to open.
The file must be a questionnaire definition (.mdd) file.
If the file contains more than one version, Metadata Model to Quantum opens the Metadata Versions dialog box, so that you can specify which version or versions you want to use. For more information, see Version Selection.
3 If necessary, select the version or versions you want to use and click OK.
If the file does not contain a serial number variable called Respondent.Serial, Metadata Model to Quantum opens the Select Serial Variable dialog box, so that you can specify which variable is the serial number variable.
4 If required, select a suitable variable and click OK.
See also
Select Serial Variable
Using Metadata Model to Quantum with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin
Version handling in Metadata Model to Quantum
Metadata Model to Quantum
Metadata Model to Quantum window
Metadata Model to Quantum shortcut menu
Starting Metadata Model to Quantum
Defining card, column, and punch code specifications
Export Quantum Specification
Getting started