Interviewer - Server > Architecture > Web Service tier > Image/Template cache > How to configure the image cache > Which file types can be loaded?
Which file types can be loaded?
The MIMETypes key determines which types of files the Image Cache can load. The default is:
<add key="MIMETypes" value="image/*;audio/*;video/*;application/x-shockwave-flash;
application/x-javascript;application/javascript;text/css;text/html;text/xml" />
This definition has been split over two lines for readability only. When defining MIME types, list them all on one line that is separated by semicolons. Use an asterisk to refer to all subtypes in a type, otherwise specify subtypes separately as type / subtype.
If you are unsure whether your list of MIME types covers the types of files you want to load, you can check the MIME type as follows:
1 Select Run from the Start menu and type regedit in the Open box. Click OK.
2 Expand HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and click the extension of the files you want to load.
The Content Type setting in the right frame shows the file's MIME type.
Windows 2003 with IIS 7
If you are running Windows 2003 and have IIS 7 installed, you can use IIS Manager instead:
1 In IIS Manager, right-click the local computer and then choose Properties.
2 In MIME types, click MIME Types.
When working with video files, you must also perform the following steps:
3 Click Add.
4 Enter .mp4 in the File Name Extension field.
5 Enter video/mp4 in the MIME Type field, and then click OK.
6 Update the Content Type in the system registry (follow steps steps 1 - 2).
7 Create a new key named .mp4.
8 Under the .mp4 key, create a new string value named Content Type and set the value tovideo/mp4.
See also
How to configure the image cache