Interviewer - Server > Architecture > Web Service tier > Image/Template cache > How to configure the image cache > Defining the client's cache duration
Defining the client's cache duration
At times, it is necessary to reduce the cache timeout duration (for example, to reduce the cache size when large files are used). At other times, it is necessary to increase the cache timeout duration (for example, to avoid downloading the same file multiple times on the client). A cache timeout of 5 minutes might be suitable for the server, but the appropriate client cache timeout might be as much as several weeks.
The ClientCacheDuration and ServerCacheDuration keys provides options for setting both the server and client cache timeout values.
<!-- Client cache duration in seconds. An empty value indicates that the file's last modified time will be used to control caching on the client -->
<add key="ClientCacheDuration" value=""/>
<!-- Server cache duration in seconds. -->
<add key="ServerCacheDuration" value="60"/>
See also
How to configure the image cache