Translation Utility > Translation Utility windows > Edit window
Edit window
The Edit window has two panes:
The source language text is in a pane with a gray background. The gray background indicates that the field is locked. You can copy and paste the contents, but you cannot change the contents.
You can enter or edit translation text in the pane with the white background, or directly in the translation grid.
Edit window
In some cases, both panes of the Edit window may be locked, preventing you from entering or editing text. The entire Edit window is locked when:
the text for that item should not be translated for some reason, or requires no translation
the text for that item is shared text, that is, identical text used by multiple items.
To change the Edit window orientation
On the View menu, click Edit Orientation.
This changes the orientation of the two panes between top/bottom and left/right.
See also
Translation Utility windows
Moving, showing, hiding, and resizing windows
Load Options dialog box
Overview window
Note window
Translation grid