solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Monitoring solidDB : Using Dashboard
Using Dashboard
Dashboard is a standalone web application that resides in the solidDB system tables. No download or code installation is necessary. Dashboard can be used from a browser to monitor the performance and health of a server by viewing different server parameters and states in graph form.
The Dashboard interface has two tabs, PMON and SQL.
The PMON tab provides access to a number of predefined views, each with a set of graphs for monitoring various areas of the server. You can use any of the available pmons to create your own graphs, or you can modify existing graphs.
Screenshot of the PMON tab
For more information about pmon counters, see Using performance counters (perfmon).
The SQL tab contains a console for executing SQL commands.
Screenshot of the SQL tab
Note Only users with the SYS_ADMIN_ROLE or the SYS_MONITOR_ROLE (which are required in order to query the server state and health) are able to see the data in the graphs. However, users who do not have one of these roles can use the SQL command line.
At the top of the Dashboard interface are two panels that display details of the server and database.
Screenshot of the server and database panels on the Dashboard interface
Note You cannot view the Dashboard interface with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Starting Dashboard
Exploring Dashboard
Adding and modifying views in Dashboard
Exporting pmon data from Dashboard
Modifying navigation and settings
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Monitoring solidDB