solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Working with grids : Upgrading a grid : Upgrading the solidDB version
Upgrading the solidDB version
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
In order to upgrade the solidDB server version of grid nodes while the database remains in service, only one node at a time should be shut down and upgraded.
Before you start the upgrade process, consider the following factors:
You can upgrade a solidDB server to a release within the same major version of solidDB and to the next major version. After you upgrade a server to a later major version of solidDB, you cannot downgrade the server.
By default, when a node is shut down, the grid automatically relocates data on the node to other nodes in the grid in order to maintain the configured replication factor. This potentially lengthy and resource-intensive operation (consuming CPU, disk and network) is reversed (with equally laborious data transfer between nodes) when the upgraded node is started and re-added to the grid.
The following steps are recommended for upgrading the server binary files while keeping the database in service:
1 Set the replication factor to a value of at least 3. A value of 3 ensures that, when a single node is unavailable, there are at least two copies of every single database row in the grid.
2 Disable the Grid Availability Manager (GAM) to prevent data reorganization from occurring while a node is upgraded.
3 Repeat the following steps for each node in the grid:
a Shut down, upgrade, and restart the node.
b Use the following command to check that all subscriptions are in ACTIVE state:
ADMIN COMMAND 'grid nodeinfo repinfo'
For more information, see GRID.
Note Do not upgrade multiple nodes at the same time as this compromises data security.
In addition to the solidDB server files, you might need to upgrade the solidDB database drivers that are used by applications. See Upgrading the application for more information.
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Upgrading a grid