solidDB Help : solidDB product overview : solidDB data management components : System tools and utilities
System tools and utilities
The solidDB server package includes console tools for data management and administration, and command-line utilities for data export and import.
The tools and utilities are available in the bin directory in the solidDB server installation directory.
Console tools
solidDB includes the following console tools:
solidDB SQL Editor (solsql), see solidDB SQL Editor (solsql)
solidDB Remote Control (solcon), see solidDB Remote Control (solcon)
Tools for exporting and loading data
solidDB includes the following export and import tools:
solidDB Speed Loader (solloado or solload), see solidDB Speed Loader (solloado and solload)
solidDB Export (solexp), see solidDB Export (solexp)
solidDB Data Dictionary (soldd), see solidDB Data Dictionary (soldd)
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solidDB data management components