solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB HTTP SQL Access : HTTP SQL requests and responses
HTTP SQL requests and responses
All requests must use a URL prefix, followed by the name of the database to use, in the following format:
where request can be one of the following entries:
open, see Open request
close, see Close request
sql, see SQL request
All responses are returned in the following JSON format.
   "meta" : [{
       "COLUMN_NAME": "column-name",
       "TYPE": "soliddb-datatype"
       }, ...
   "data" : [{
       "colname-1": "colvalue-1", "colname-2": "colvalue-2", ...
       }, ...
   "status" : [{
       "response code": "http-response-code",
       "rows returned": "number-of-objects-in-data-array",
       "rows affected": "rows-affected-if-DML",
       "autocommit": "autocommit-status"
The JSON result object has three members:
meta: contains an array of metadata objects,
data: contains an array of row data,
status: contains information about server status and possible warnings.
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solidDB HTTP SQL Access