solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB HTTP SQL Access : HTTP SQL requests and responses : Open request
Open request
An ‘open’ URL is used to open a session to the database.
{"response code": "200 OK"} and server returns a cookie containing the session ID.
{"response code": "401 Unauthorized" }, no cookie returned.
The default URL format contains username and password. HTTP basic authentication can also be used if the client supports it.
solidDB generates a unique sessionID that is sent back to the client inside a cookie ('login=HTTP/session-id'). This cookie is used to identify the client session in further requests. When a new session is created, the server stores the client credentials that were sent with the ‘open’ request. By default, solidDB allows the use of a keep-alive mechanism. The connection that is opened is kept open until an error is detected or a close request is received from the client.
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HTTP SQL requests and responses