solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB HTTP SQL Access : HTTP SQL requests and responses : Transactions : Requests to enable and disable autocommit
Requests to enable and disable autocommit
Autocommit mode can be turned on or off.
Turn autocommit mode on
URL: https:// localhost:1313/sql/autocommit/on
   "meta": [{
      "autocommit": "set on"
   "data": [],
   "status": [{
      "response code": "200 OK",
      "rows returned": "0",
      "rows affected": "0",
      "autocommit": "true"
Turn autocommit mode off
URL: https://localhost:13 13/sql/autocommit/off
   "meta": [{
      "autocommit": "set off"
   "data": [],
   "status": [{
      "response code": "200 OK",
      "rows returned": "0",
      "rows affected": "0",
      "autocommit": "false"
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