solidDB Help : Programming : Deploying SMA and LLA applications : solidDB APIs and drivers for SMA and LLA
solidDB APIs and drivers for SMA and LLA
Shared Memory Access (SMA) and Linked Library Access (LLA) application requests are typically handled by using ODBC API direct function calls or JDBC calls. The solidDB proprietary solidDB API can also be used. The solidDB Server Control API (SSC API and SSC API for Java) is included in the LLA library for handling local requests to control solidDB background processes and client tasks. SMA includes limited support for SSC API; only calls for starting or stopping the SMA server are included.
Example: SMA and LLA APIs for C/C++ programs
Diagram that shows components that are involved when using SMA or LLA APIs for C or C++ programs
The following table describes how SMA and LLA can use the various solidDB APIs:
Usage by SMA and LLA
solidDB SA API
Remote applications can use the SA API function calls also. Remote applications must link to a separate SA API library file (for example, solidimpsa.lib for Windows).
SMA and LLA support the ODBC 3.51 standard. The SMA and LLA libraries include solidDB ODBC 3.x, which provides support for local applications that require direct function calls to the server.
SMA and LLA support both JDBC 1.x and 2.x.
solidDB Server Control (SSC) API
The SSC API functions are included in the SMA driver and LLA library files. However, for SMA, only the functions for starting and stopping the server are supported.
solidDB Server Control (SSC) API for Java
The SSC API for Java calls are used to start and stop the LLA server. The actual database connections are done with the normal solidDB JDBC API. Both the SSC API for Java classes and solidDB JDBC driver classes are included in the solidDB JDBC driver (SolidDriver2.0.jar).
The SolidServerControl classes for accessing solidDB server are embedded in the solidDB JDBC driver file, inside the solid.ssc package. The solidDB JDBC driver jar file contains the following packages:
solid.jdbc.* solidDB JDBC driver classes,
solid.ssc.* solidDB Server Control classes (proprietary API interface).
The following classes are included in the solidDB Server Control (solid.ssc) package:
SolidServerControl (for starting and stopping the LLA server from Java),
SolidServerControlInitializationError (for reporting errors).
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Deploying SMA and LLA applications