Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > SAEM menus > Database menu > Restore from file
Restore from file
Restore lets you recreate a database from a backup copy. If the server contains a database with the same name as the backup database, the backup database overwrites the existing database. You can restore a database to a different location from where it was created, which in effect works as a way of copying the database.
To restore a database from a backup (.BAK) file
1 Login to the server that the database is on.
See Login to SQL Server.
2 Select any database on the local server (by choosing Database, Select Database or select one from the drop-down menu in the database toolbar).
To perform any commands in SAEM, you must have a database selected, even though in this current task you will not be doing anything to that database.
3 Select Database, Restore from File.
Files that you restore must be local to the server onto which you are restoring.
4 In the Restore Database from Back Up File dialog, specify a name for the database in the Restore database as field.
5 In the Back Up File field, browse to the folder that contains the .BAK file and select it. Click Open.
6 Click OK in the Restore Database From Backup File dialog. The database will be restored on your server.
7 In System Architect, select File, Encyclopedia Open.
8 In the Open Encyclopedia dialog, select the Existing tab.
9 In the Connection property, choose your local server. This displays a list of encyclopedias that are connected to your server. The Connection servers as a pointer between the server and the encyclopedia (database) that you are opening/creating.
10 Select the name of the database that you restored in the Encyclopedias on connection property, and then click OK.
To open this encyclopedia automatically whenever you start System Architect, select Open this encyclopedia at start up.
Note If the database was created before 10.3, you must convert it to 10.3 format before opening the encyclopedia in System Architect: see Convert to 10.3.
See also
Database menu