Viewing output website – hosting through Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
SA Publisher’s output folder must be setup to be viewed through Microsoft IIS. This is done for security concerns.
Installing Microsoft IIS
Check to see if Microsoft IIS is enabled
In the Windows dialog “Type here to search” (bottom left near the Start menu), type IIS and click return. The Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager should popup as a choice to select. If not, you must enable IIS.
If Microsoft IIS is not Installed on your machine
To install Microsoft IIS, complete these steps:
1 Open a file browser, and then paste the following text into the location bar:
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features
2 When open, in the left panel click Turn Windows features on or off.
3 Find Internet Information Services and enable it; if a tree of features is shown then make sure you check:
▪IIS > Web Management Tools > IIS Management Console.
▪IIS > World Wide Web Services > click all five of those boxes.
4 Click OK, and then let the product install.
Viewing SA Publisher output
To view SA Publisher output, complete these steps:
1 With IIS installed, click Start, and then type IIS. You should see ‘Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager’ – click that and the Manager should open.
2 In the Middle panel click MIME Types, and then add the following types if you do not have them:
.json application/json
.svg image/svg+xml
3 In the left panel, expand your-computer-name > Sites > Default Web Site.
4 Right click Default Web Site, and then choose Add Virtual Directory:
5 In the Alias field, enter an alias for your publisher output which will be for the URL – for example, SAPubOutput:
In the physical path, enter the location of your publisher output on your machine. In the example image above, the output directory (output_sapub) has been put in the root C:\ drive of the machine.
6 Click OK.
7 Open a web page to http://localhost/SAPubOutput (or whatever the alias was that you specified in step 5 above). You should see the published website:
(see below) it is because your IIS Service does not have access to the directory you put your SA Publisher output in.
To resolve this error, move your directory to a more public location – for example, if it is in MyDocuments then move it to the root C:\ drive of your machine and redo the IIS setting.