Integrating : Focal Point® and the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management : Business case scenarios : Establishing the project scope and implementing the project : Fetch the status and view the progress of project implementation
Fetch the status and view the progress of project implementation
You can view the progress of the project implementation in several ways:
View progress through rich-hover
You can preview only a few fields of the requirements such as Title, Description, Planned For and Filed Against fields.
1 Hover over the integration link attribute of the element to preview the linked Rational Team Concert artifact.
2 If you have access to Rational Team Concert, you can click the link to open the artifact.
Fetch the status and track the progress using XPathValue Fetcher business rule
You must have a working knowledge of using REST queries to access data from the sources.
1 In Rational Team Concert, add a functional user to the registered Focal Point® consumer key: see Adding a functional user to a consumer key in an application server for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management.
2 Create the attribute with the XPath Value Fetcher Business rule and fetch the required type of data from Rational Team Concert: see Fetching information from the CLM application.
Ensure that the attribute is editable in the view.
To fetch the data automatically at regular intervals, specify the run_at and update_interval parameter values in the business rule.
Fetch the status and track the progress using REST Client View Command
1 In Rational Team Concert identify the fields that you want to fetch and track in Focal Point®
2 Create a REST View command with the Synchronize method to fetch the required type of data from Rational Team Concert: see Synchronizing artifacts from the application to Focal Point®.
To fetch the data automatically at regular intervals, specify the schedule in the REST Client Command Scheduler section: see Scheduling the REST client view command.
Align the project implementation based on the business strategy
See also
Establishing the project scope and implementing the project