Integrating : Focal Point® and the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management : Setting up the integration for Focal Point® and Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications : Configuring Focal Point® as a consumer in CLM applications : Fetching information from the CLM application
Fetching information from the CLM application
You can retrieve details about artifacts, such as their total estimate value and time spent values from a work item, by using the XPathValueFetcher business rule. The XPathValueFetcher business rule queries artifacts in the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) application .
Before you begin
Register Focal Point® as an inbound consumer for the CLM application. For information, see Registering Focal Point® as an inbound consumer in a CLM application.
Add a functional user to the authorized key in the inbound consumer configuration in the CLM application. For more information, see Adding a functional user to a consumer key in an application server for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management.
Add the CLM application server as a friend. For information, see Connecting to the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management application server.
Configure a module to contain a Integration link attribute that defines the link to a specific project area in a Jazz server. For information, see Adding and configuring attributes for storing links to artifacts in the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications.
To configure an attribute to fetch artifact information from the CLM application
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes.
2 Select the module that contains the Integration link attribute and that requires an attribute to fetch more information from the CLM system.
3 Click Add Attribute.
4 Select the attribute type based on the type of value that you fetch from the CLM application. For example, to fetch values from the estimate field in the Change and Configuration Management application, you can use integer attribute type.
Ensure that the attribute is editable.
5 Specify a name and description for the attribute.
6 In the Default value field, specify the XPathValueFetcher business rule in this format:
=XPathValueFetcher('Integration link attribute',"URL parameters","XPath expression")
7 Click OK.
Related information
URL link icon OSLC: Change Management
URL link icon Collaborative Lifecycle Management
Synchronizing data
See also
Fetching information from CLM artifacts