Interviewer - Server Admin > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin architecture > Distributed Property Management (DPM) > DPM Explorer > Starting DPM Explorer
Starting DPM Explorer
1 In Windows Explorer, browse to UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library Code\Tools\VB.NET\DPM Explorer.Net folder.
2 Do one of the following:
To run the program to check or change properties, double-click DPMExplorer.exe.
To run the program in debug mode, double-click DPMExplorer.vbproj to open Microsoft Visual Studio and then from the Run menu, choose Start.
3 If you cannot be logged on automatically using a trusted or Windows account, choose: File > Login As Specified User, enter your UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin user name and password, and then click OK.
Printing a property listing
Adding and removing items
Changing property values
Editing sample management scripts
Impersonating other users
See also
DPM Explorer