Interviewer - Server Admin > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin architecture > Distributed Property Management (DPM) > DPM Explorer > Editing sample management scripts
Editing sample management scripts
When a project uses sample management, the sample management script is copied into the SampleManagements.ProjectName.Queueing.QueuesScript property. If the script is used by a number of projects, and you want to customize it just for the current project, you can make the changes to the script as it is stored in DPM.
1 Select SampleManagements.ProjectName and then, from the menu, select Edit > Sample Management Script.
2 Make the changes, and then click OK.
See also
DPM Explorer
Starting DPM Explorer
Printing a property listing
Adding and removing items
Changing property values
Impersonating other users
DPM Explorer