Paper > Opening and saving Looks and subLooks > Saving a SubLook > Testing a subLook before you save it
Testing a subLook before you save it
1 Click in the table that represents the subLook you want to save.
2 From the Paper menu, choose Save Compound Look.
The Save Compound Look Wizard opens.
3 Change the values, if required, and then click Next.
The second page of the Save Compound Look Wizard appears.
4 Change the values, if required, and then click Next.
Test New SubLook page appears.
5 If you are satisfied with the test, click Finish to save the SubLook.
See also
Save Compound Look Wizard: Test New SubLook
Save Compound Look Wizard: First Page
Save Compound Look Wizard: Second Page
Save Look Options
Saving a SubLook