Desktop User Guides > Author > Creating questions and responses > Inserting questions from the library
Inserting questions from the library
You can quickly add questions to a questionnaire by selecting a file containing a suitable question from the library of questions that is provided with UNICOM Intelligence Author and inserting it into your questionnaire. This copies the content of the selected file and pastes it into your questionnaire file. You can then edit it as required. There is no link between the content of the question in the source file and that in your questionnaire file, so changes made in one file after you insert the question do not affect the other.
If the library file contains more than one language, you can select the language to insert. For more information, see Insert Library Item dialog. If the library file contains more than one routing, the first routing in the file is inserted automatically, and any other routings are ignored. For further information on routings, see Changing the questionnaire order.
To insert a question from the library
1 In the Routings pane, select the question after which you want to insert the library question.
2 If it is not visible, display the Library pane:
3 In the Library pane, find the file you want to use, and then do one of these:
Click Insert > From Library.
Press Alt+I, L.
Click Insert on the Library pane.
Drag the question from the Library pane to the Routings pane.
4 If the library file is in a different default language than your questionnaire file, the Insert Library Item dialog appears, explaining that the question will be inserted into the default language context in your file.
5 Some library files include questionnaire wizards to help tailor the question to your needs. If the library file includes a wizard, follow the onscreen instructions to fill in the required information.
You must first save the open document before working with the questionnaire wizard. Saving the document ensures that the working folder is properly defined.
The contents of the .mdd file in the library, including questions and routing information, are copied into your questionnaire file and displayed after the selected question. If required, you can edit them to tailor them for use in the new questionnaire.
If the library file includes templates, UNICOM Intelligence Author copies the template files to a subfolder with the name FileName_files beneath the folder containing the questionnaire .mdd file, where FileName is the name of the .mdd file. If the template uses additional files or subfolders, these are also copied into the subfolder. For more information, see Using style templates for questionnaires.
See also
Insert Library Item dialog
Saving questions or questionnaires to the library
Using a question template
Creating questions and responses