Desktop User Guides > Author > The UNICOM Intelligence Author user interface > UNICOM Intelligence Author window > UNICOM Intelligence Author: Design pane
UNICOM Intelligence Author: Design pane
The Design pane provides a graphical representation of all the questions in the Routings pane or the Questions pane (whichever is selected). You can use this pane to view all questions and routing items for a specific routing, enter the text for questions and responses, fine-tune your questions by specifying additional options for the responses, and define custom properties for the responses.
Design pane tabs
Different tabs are available for specific question types. To change which tabs are displayed for a specific question, right-click the area where the tabs display, and then select the tabs.
This tab is available when working with numeric, text, and database question types and provides options for including special responses (Don’t Know, Refused, No Answer).
Custom Properties
This tab enables you to define custom properties for the questions. For more information, see Advanced Category Editor.
DB Settings
This tab enables you to edit the database connection string and define the column mappings. For more information, see Creating single response database questions, Creating multiple response database questions, or Creating database question loops.
This tab is available when working with loops. It enables you to set the number of times to ask questions in the loop. For more information, see Creating loops to ask the same questions for different subjects or Creating database question loops.
This tab displays when you are working with Go To items, If Go To items, and Condition blocks. For more information, see Go To routing item, If Go To Routing item, or Creating a condition block.
This tab displays all questions and routing items for the selected routing. Click the Field Chooser icon to select which fields display for each question/routing item. You can select a question/routing item to automatically open the item in the Design pane.
The Members tab displays for complex grids, loops, compounds, blocks, sections, pages, condition blocks, and when a routing is selected in the Routings pane.
Respondent Instructions
This tab enables you to specify instructional text that is automatically added to a questionnaire in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper application. When viewed in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper, the respondent instructions precede the generated UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper instruction text. You can edit your UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper settings to eliminate all instructional text, in which case the respondent instructions added in this tab replace, rather than supplement, the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper instructional text. For more information, see UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper.
This tab provides options for entering a question name, short name, description, and responses. Information displays in read-only mode when working with database questions. For more information, see Creating questions and responses.
The Short Name field is used only by the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper application and is typically a shorter version of the question name. It is often the question number, such as “Q14”.
This tab displays the question as it appears in script language. For more detailed scripting information, see mrScriptBasic overview.
This tab displays when working with Set Response routing items. For more information, see Adding a Set Response to a questionnaire.
Translation Notes
This tab enables you to create translation specific notes for each question. This is useful when a questionnaire is translated into multiple languages, as questions might require language-specific instructions.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Author: Menu options
Opening questionnaire files