solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Working with grids : Troubleshooting a grid
Troubleshooting a grid
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
You can use the following tools to troubleshoot issues with a solidDB grid.
Regular tools
You can use all regular tools with grid nodes (see Tools for troubleshooting), for example:
admin commands (for some commands, you can execute the command in all current grid nodes by using the 'global' keyword), see ADMIN COMMAND syntax,
viewing log files (solmsg.out, solerror.out, soltrace.out),
collecting core files after server crashes,
using the standard CREP diagnostic tools to check the status of grid replication (CREP replication is a fundamental component in a grid), see CREP Monitoring and diagnostics.
Grid-specific tools
You can use the following grid-specific tools to troubleshoot a grid:
gridmsg.out file: Logs status and error messages associated with grid operations.
SYS_GRID_NODES system table: Provides information about all the nodes currently in the grid, see SYS_GRID_NODES.
ADMIN COMMAND 'grid nodeinfo': Provides information about the RAFT and replication status of each node, see GRID.
What to do if a grid node remains unresponsive
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Working with grids