solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Working with grids : Troubleshooting a grid : What to do if a grid node remains unresponsive
What to do if a grid node remains unresponsive
If a node fails to respond to heartbeat messages from the solidDB consensus algorithm, the grid leader changes the status of the grid to MEMBER_FAILED. The algorithm continues to send heartbeat messages to the unresponsive node and, if the node recovers and starts to respond again, the node is automatically reconnected to the grid with the status MEMBER_ONLINE, see Processes involved when a node is unresponsive.
However, if the node remains unresponsive, you can try the following actions:
Shut down the node by running the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'shutdown force'
(if the node does not respond to the command, stop the process at the operating system level) and then restart the node again.
Drop the unresponsive node from the grid and add another node in its place, see Removing a node from a grid.
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Troubleshooting a grid