solidDB Help : Programming : Deploying SMA and LLA applications : Deploying SMA applications : Configuring your environment for SMA use
Configuring your environment for SMA use
Complete the following steps to configure your environment for Shared Memory Access (SMA):
1 Check the system settings for shared memory use in your environment.
The default values for shared memory use in your environment might not be sufficient for using SMA. For details about viewing and setting the shared memory system parameters on your system, see Modifying shared memory kernel parameters: Overview.
2 Set up your database environment by creating a working directory, your solidDB database, and user accounts.
For more information, see Creating a new database.
Note The application and the SMA server processes must have identical file access permissions (database files, log files, and so on). The file access permissions are not checked at startup; subsequently, insufficient file access permissions can cause the SMA server to crash at a later point.
3 Configure solidDB to meet your environment, performance, and operation needs.
Use the solid.ini configuration file to define basic configuration settings such as database file names and locations, database block size, and so on:
In normal setups, it is not necessary to modify the SMA-specific parameters in the [SharedMemoryAccess] section of the solid.ini file. The factory values are applicable to most use cases, see SharedMemoryAccess section (server-side).
Do not set the Srv.ProcessMemoryLimit parameter when using SMA. If you need to limit the memory the SMA server uses, use the SharedMemoryAccess.MaxSharedMemorySize parameter.
If there is no solid.ini configuration file, the default values are used.
4 Check use of signal handlers, see Use of signal handlers.
5 If you are deploying a Java application, complete the following steps:
a Install and register the solidDB JDBC driver.
b add the location of the SMA driver library to the relevant environment variable:
In AIX environments, use the following syntax:
export LIBPATH=path-to-SMA-library:$LIBPATH
In other UNIX or Linux environments, use the following syntax:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path-to-SMA-library:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
In Windows environments, use the following syntax:
set PATH=path-to-SMA-library;%PATH%
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Deploying SMA applications