Architecting and designing > Archimate 3 > ArchiMate elements > ArchiMate artifact
ArchiMate artifact
An artifact represents a piece of data that is used or produced in a software development process, or by deployment and operation of an IT system. An artifact represents a tangible element in the IT world. Artifact is a specialization of technology object. It is typically used to model (software) products such as source files, executables, scripts, database tables, messages, documents, specifications, and model files.
This element can be visualized on the following ArchiMate Viewpoints:
Basic Viewpoints
ArchiMate Information Structure Viewpoint
ArchiMate Technology Viewpoint
ArchiMate Layered Viewpoint
ArchiMate Product Viewpoint
ArchiMate Technology Usage Viewpoint
ArchiMate Implementation and Deployment Viewpoint
Motivation Viewpoints
ArchiMate Requirements Realization Viewpoint
Strategy Viewpoints
ArchiMate Strategy Viewpoint
ArchiMate Capability Map Viewpoint
ArchiMate Outcome Realization Viewpoint
ArchiMate Resource Map Viewpoint
See also
ArchiMate elements