Architecting and designing > Archimate 3 > ArchiMate elements > ArchiMate location
ArchiMate location
A location is a place or position where structure elements can be located or behavior can be performed. This is modeled by means of an aggregation relationship from a location to structure element. A location can also aggregate a behavior element, to indicate where the behavior is performed.
This element can be visualized on the following ArchiMate Viewpoints:
Basic Viewpoints
ArchiMate Organization Viewpoint – Aggregated By
ArchiMate Organization Viewpoint – Composed By
ArchiMate Technology Viewpoint
ArchiMate Physical Viewpoint
ArchiMate Layered Viewpoint
ArchiMate Business Process Cooperation Viewpoint
ArchiMate Application Cooperation Viewpoint
Strategy Viewpoints
ArchiMate Strategy Viewpoint
ArchiMate Capability Map Viewpoint
ArchiMate Outcome Realization Viewpoint
ArchiMate Resource Map Viewpoint
Implementation and Migration Viewpoints
ArchiMate Implementation and Migration Viewpoint
See also
ArchiMate elements