Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Interviewer Monitoring > Interviewers Real Time display
Interviewers Real Time display
Interviewers Real Time display
Contains one record for every user (interviewer) who has opened the Phone Participants activity and is working on a UNICOM Intelligence project that you can access. There are two lists that display interviewers. The top list displays highlighted interviewers from which a supervisor may want to pay more attention; the bottom list consists of the interviewers who are not highlighted. You can use the filter function to filter for interviewers in the list. You can also view detailed interviewer information, call history, session history, and interviewer comments.
Monitor windows
Displays the selected interviewer’s active interview session. The section also displays the current project, interviewer, call history, and session history information. For more information, see the Call History (see Viewing interviewer call history) and Session History (see Viewing interviewer session history).
Automatic refresh
The third section allows you to specify if, and how often, the dialer table display is automatically refreshed.
Immediate Message window
Provides options for creating immediate messages that can be sent to one or more interviewers. You can also resend a message (whether it succeeded or failed in sending), or delete a message that has been sent.
Using the Interviewers Real Time display
An interviewer will remain listed in the Real Time display while Phone Participants remains open, even if there is no activity for a period of a day or more. When an interviewer closes Phone Participants, his or her record is removed from the Real Time display.
Note If an interviewer reopens Phone Participants after it closes abnormally, the Real Time display might contain more than one record for that interviewer. The current record will have a lower value in the Session Time column. A record that is not current will be removed automatically after one hour.
For each interviewer, the Real Time display shows a number of statistics, which are mostly of three types:
statistics that relate to the period since the interviewer last opened the Phone Participants activity. This period is sometimes referred to as “the current session”
statistics that relate to the interview currently in progress, if there is one
statistics that relate to the current question being asked.
For more information about the statistics shown, see Columns in the Real Time Display.
You can change the Real Time display to show additional columns or to display the interviewer records in a different order. For more information, see Customizing the Real Time Display.
In the Real Time display, you can choose to monitor an interviewer who is conducting an interview. For more information, see Monitoring an interviewer.
Toolbar buttons
Refresh Table
Refresh the contents of the Real Time display.
Table Setup
Change the settings for the Real Time display. For more information, see Customizing the Real Time Display.
Displays online help for the activity.
Close Interviewer Monitoring and return to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin main screen.
The toolbar at the top of the Real Time Display windows provides the following options:
Define interview filter
Displays the Interviews Filter dialog (see Defining interviewer filters), allowing you to filter the Real Time Display field information.
Highlight selected interviewer
Highlights the selected interviewers.
Remove selected interview
Removes the selected interviewers from the highlight list.
Remove all interviewers
Removes all interviewers from the highlight list.
Call history
Displays the call history for the selected interviewer.
Session history
Displays the session history for the selected interviewer.
Edit project message
Displays the Project Messages dialog (see Entering and editing project messages), allowing you to create and edit project messages. Project messages provide specific project information to each interviewer.
Monitor interview
Monitors the selected interviewer.
New message
Displays the New Message dialog (see Creating interviewer messages), allowing you to create and send messages to selected interviewers.
See also
Defining interviewer filters
Highlighting interviewers
Viewing interviewer call history
Viewing interviewer session history
Entering and editing project messages
Creating interviewer messages
Interviewer Monitoring