Survey Tabulation > Table specification syntax > Special elements
Special elements
Element list syntax describes the syntax that you use to specify the elements to include in the axis of a table. This topic documents the special elements that you can include in an axis.
By default, the element name is the same as the element type. For example, by default, a Standard Error element is called stderr. However, if you create multiple elements of the same type, you must specify names to ensure that each element is uniquely identified.
Shows the total number of cases in the variable after any weighting has been applied. Generally, the base includes every case for which the value in the case data is not Null. (This is a change from UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation 1.1, where the base excluded empty values as well as Null values.)
Note that if an axis does not include a base element, UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation creates one automatically at the start of the axis. This means that normally you do not need to use this syntax if you want the base element to appear at the start of the axis. See Base elements for further information and examples. See also Restricting a base using an expression.
base(['Expression Text'])
Unweighted base
Shows the total number of cases in the variable before any weighting has been applied. In an unweighted table, an unweighted base element shows the same values as the counts in the base element. Only one value is ever shown for an unweighted base element, even when multiple types of cell contents have been requested.
The value that is shown is the unweighted base count, regardless what type of cell contents have been requested for the table. By default UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation automatically adds an unweighted base element at the start of each axis in a weighted table. See Base elements for further information and examples.
unweightedbase(['Expression Text'])
Shows the mean value of a specified numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression. See Displaying the mean of a numeric variable. If you do not specify a numeric variable, the mean element shows the mean value of the factors associated with the elements in the axis, and the expression is ignored. See Displaying a mean based on factors.
mean([NumericVariable], ['Expression Text'])
Standard deviation
Shows the standard deviation for a specified numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression. If you do not specify a numeric variable, the element shows the standard deviation for the factors associated with the elements in the axis, and the expression is ignored. For examples, see Mean.
stddev([NumericVariable], ['Expression Text'])
Standard error
Shows the standard error for a specified numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression. If you do not specify a numeric variable, the element shows the standard error for the factors associated with the elements in the axis, and the expression is ignored. For examples, see Mean.
stderr([ NumericVariable ], ['Expression Text'])
Sample variance
Shows the sample variance for a specified numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression. If you do not specify a numeric variable, the element shows the sample variance for the factors associated with the elements in the axis, and the expression is ignored. For examples, see Mean.
sampvar([NumericVariable], ['ExpressionText'])
Shows the sum of the counts between the most recent base or total element, whichever is the most recent, and the next total or base, or the end of the axis, whichever occurs first. A total element works in this way regardless of its position in the axis. See Displaying totals and subtotals.
Shows the sum of the counts between the most recent base, total, or subtotal element, whichever is the most recent, and the next base, total, or subtotal, or the end of the axis, whichever occurs first. A subtotal element works in this way regardless of its position in the axis. See Displaying totals and subtotals.
A text-only element that can be used to form a subheading. When the axis is on the side of the table, the element forms a text-only row.
Shows the minimum value of a numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression.
min( NumericVariable, ['Expression Text'] )
Shows the maximum value of a numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression.
max( NumericVariable, ['Expression Text'] )
In a multiple response variable this creates an element that shows the number of respondents who chose one or more categories in a group of categories. A subtotal element for the same categories would show the number of responses given. In a single response variable a net shows the same values as the subtotal. See “Creating nets.
net({ ElementList })
This is like a net, except that the elements on which it is based are not shown. See Combining categories.
combine({ ElementList })
This creates a special element that is defined by a custom expression. You can use any expression that is supported by the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model, including any of the functions in the UNICOM Intelligence Function Library. When you are using the hierarchical (HDATA) view, the level of the expression is defined by the level of the variable. You must make sure that all variables included in the custom expression are at this level or are up-leved/down-leved to this level. See “Creating an element based on a custom expression. You can use expressions to band numeric variables, autocode text variables, or band date variables.
expression(' ExpressionText ')
Shows a numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression. You can use this element type to create summary statistic tables.
numeric( NumericVariable, ['Expression Text'] )
Paired Preference
Shows the result of a paired preference test run on a table. See “Paired preference test for further information and examples.
Shows a derived element calculated from other elements within the variable using an arithmetic expression. Derived elements use an arithmetic expression based on the values of other elements in the table. This differs from the expression() syntax, which uses a logical expression that tests the case data to determine whether a respondent is included in the count. See Creating a derived element calculated from other elements.
derived( 'Expression Text' )
Shows the sum or total of the values in a specified numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression. See Displaying the sum of a numeric variable.
sum( NumericVariable , ['Expression Text'])
Effective base
Shows the effective base. See Displaying an effective base on a weighted table for more information.
Shows the median for a specified numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression. See Displaying median and percentile values for more information. You must specify a numeric variable.
median( NumericVariable, ['Expression Text'])
Shows a percentile for a specified numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression. You must specify a numeric variable. You must also specify a cut-off value between 1 and 100 to indicate the percentile you want to use. Note that the median element gives the same result as a percentile with a cut-off value of 50. See Displaying median and percentile values for more information.
percentile( NumericVariable, CutOffValue, ['Expression Text'])
Shows the mode for a specified numeric variable, optionally restricted by an expression. See Displaying a mode for more information. If there is more than one mode value, the lowest is displayed. You must specify a numeric variable.
mode( NumericVariable, ['Expression Text'] )
When calculating the values for mean, standard deviation, standard error, sample variance, min, and max elements, UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation uses the same formulae used for the cell contents. See Statistical formulae for more information.
When you create a special element in UNICOM Intelligence Professional or UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation, the Table Object Model automatically takes care of creating any helper elements required by that element. If you are adding special elements to the metadata using a programming language or a data management script, you may sometimes want to create the helper elements explicitly, rather than let the Table Object Model create them. For further information on the required settings for creating special elements and their helper elements, see the Special elements and helper elements in metadata topic in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
NumericVariable (AnalysisVariable), Multiplier, and Weight properties need to be specified as absolute references. However, variable references in expressions need to be specified as relative references. Using the Household.mdd sample as an example, when editing a categorical variable at the person level, if you want to display the mean of man’s weight, you can add the following mean element:
mean(person[..].weight, 'gender.ContainsAny({Male})')
Use of analysis variables on parallel levels is not supported. Valid analysis variables must meet the following conditions:
The variables must be numeric
The variables must be at the same ascendant level
Take the following variable as an example:
variable "person[..].trip[..].purpose"
Same level analysis variable (valid):
Ascendant level analysis variable (valid):
person[..].age, numpersons
Parallel level (not valid)
Note that in some of the examples, the axis specification is presented on multiple lines for clarity. In practice you must specify the axis specification without line breaks.
Displaying the mean of a numeric variable
Displaying a mean based on factors
Displaying totals and subtotals
Creating nets
Combining categories
Creating an element based on a custom expression
Banding numeric variables
Autocoding text variables
Banding date variables
Restricting a base using an expression
Restricting a mean using an expression
Creating a derived element calculated from other elements
Displaying the sum of a numeric variable
Displaying median and percentile values
Displaying a mode
See also
Table specification syntax